Acrysty Elements - Most Beneficial Element Report
In Feng Shui, the five elements—Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth—play crucial roles. Each individual possesses a unique bazi chart based on their birth day, month, time, and year. By analyzing your birth chart, you can determine your most essential element among the five. Emphasizing and incorporating your Most Beneficial Element (MBE) into your surroundings can enhance your luck, promote wealth accumulation, facilitate smooth life experiences, improve health, and reduce conflicts.
Report Details:
- Daymaster Identification: A personalized email sent by Master Zach will inform you of your daymaster, representing your unique position within your bazi chart.
- PDF Report Content:
- MBE Colors
- MBE Images and Objects
- MBE Shape
- MBE Facing Directions
- MBE Crystals
- Terms & Conditions: Reports will be emailed to your registered address within 48 hours of checkout.
Instructions: To ensure accurate calculations and report generation, please provide your birth day, month, time, year, country, and city using the English or Gregorian calendar. Gender information is not required for MBE calculations.
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